
Do you have company have is generating revenue but are not quite sure what your digital presence should look like ?
Do you have a website but are unsure how it’s being used, realize there is more potential for it but not sure of the next steps ?
Do you have a business  Twitter / Facebook and do you really need to, is social networking paying off for you ?
Do you really understand the metrics of your buisness online and have the custom reporting and tools to capitalize on it ?

If these questions sound familiar they Metric Storm can help your business.

We are the hired guns of the online industry and are EXPERTS in all the following areas. A new website may look nice, but if you don’t understand how the all of the below areas come into play in today’s quickly changing digital market you will never realize your true potential.

1) Custom SEO

2) SEM “Paid Search”

3) Advanced Google Analytic “Custom Built Reports”

4) Site Analyization

5) Social Networking

6) Tailored technical solutions

7) Road Maps and Goal Setting.

8 ) Trademark and Brand advice and protection.

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